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Monday 23 September 2013

Left Eye Twitching

Do you know what left eye twitching indicates? This is a common phenomenon experienced by different people worldwide. There are enough superstitions surrounding left eye twitching. It is believed that eye twitching is an indication of either good or bad news. This depends on the culture; for instance, the Chinese believe that left eye twitching indicates the arrival of good fortune or news. In the Indian culture, left eye twitching indicated bad luck. In African culture, left eye twitching is a sign of crying. In Hawaiian culture, twitching of the left eye can indicate a stranger's arrival. The list goes on.... With all these superstitious beliefs, the best one to believe is the medical cause.

Eye twitching, spasms or eyelid tics are a common occurrence. In most cases, only one eyelid is involved, mostly the bottom one. Knowing the causes and treatments for this condition will help us better cope with the problem.

Causes of left eye twitching

These twitches are momentary while others may last for months. In order to determine the cause of a twitching eyelid, doctors need to determine the underlying issue. Twitches can be treated successfully with Botox as this inhibits muscle contraction. It is advisable to seek medical help if the twitching is persistent and affects your eye or face.

Twitches are medically referred to as myokymia and are triggered in various ways:

1. Stress

Different bodies react differently to stress. Left eye twitching is one way for the body to respond to stress. This is more common if the stress is related to eye strain. Reducing stress can relive the twitching.

2. Tiredness

Lack of adequate sleep triggers eyelid twitching. Getting enough sleep can help. Maintain at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day is optimal.

3. Caffeine and alcohol

Experts believe excessive caffeine and alcohol intake can trigger left eye twitching. The remedy is cutting on the amount of alcohol or caffeine consumed.

4. Dry eyes

Dry-eyes, is a condition common in elderly people. Using computers and prescribed medication like antidepressants or antihistamines can also cause dry eyes. Stress also causes dry eyes. Visiting the optician is advisable as treatment is prescribed.

5. Straining the eyes

Left eye twitching can be caused by eye strain. This happens when the eyes try too hard to read. Overuse of computers, tablets or smart-phones cause eye strain.

Remedies: changing the glasses of your spectacles and taking eye exams is advised. Consider minimizing the time spent working at the computer. Take occasional breaks.

6. Allergies

Those with various eye allergies can experience twitching. Rubbing of eyes produces histamine, and this is a known cause of left eye lid twitching.

Remedies: a visit to the doctor can help relief the twitching. The doctor prescribes antihistamine tablets or eye drops.

7. Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium which in turn aids in muscle contraction and relaxation. Lack of vitamin D reduces the absorption of calcium leading to twitching.

Remedies: visiting a doctor is advised for the correct dosage of vitamin D supplements. Consume foods high in Vitamin D including clod oliver oil, fish, oysters and dairy products.

8. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Lack of vitamin B12 leads to shaky movements as well as spasticity hence eye twitching.

Remedies: patients are put under maintenance doses of vitamin B12. Consistent deficiency of vitamin B12 can be an indication of an underlying medical problem.

Consume foods high in Vitamin B12 including fish, lamb, crab, and beef.

9. Eyelids or cornea inflammation

This condition is referred to as blepharitis. It is caused by bacteria overgrowth, blockage of the eyelid's oil glands as well as allergies. It causes itching, scaling and swelling of the eyelashes base.

Remedies: this condition cannot be cured but can be controlled and treated through caring for the eyelid. One can wipe the infected area with warm water.

Prevention: avoid hand eye contact before washing the hands. One needs to avoid sleeping with eye makeup.

10. Neurological disorders such as basal ganglia

This is a dysfunction in the structure of the brain which is responsible for controlling movement. It is caused by injury to the brain through copper poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, head injury, drug overdose, infection, stroke, liver disease and tumors. Muscle spasms are some of the symptoms.

Treatments for left eye twitching

It is advisable to seek medical help from a qualified doctor when the twitching persists. This can be an indication of an underlying problem. The doctor can diagnose and treat the condition early enough.

It is important to see a doctor if:

Twitching persists beyond three days
Eyelid closes due to twitching
Spasms involve facial muscles
Discharge, redness or swelling occurs
Normally, twitching will stop by itself once the person gets adequate rest and sleep. Some common remedy options include:

Eliminating alcohol, caffeine or tobacco intake can also stop the twitching. Dry eyes can be treated with over the counter medication.
Doctors only prescribe drugs to reduce the severity of the left eye twitching. There is no known cure for blepharospasm. The most common treatment is Botox. Injections in the eye muscles stop the spasms for months. Repeat treatment is required.
Mild cases are often treated by medication like lorazepam, clonazepam or trihexyphenidyl.
Other treatment options include:

Nutrition therapy
However, the advantages of these treatments are inconclusive. Surgery is advised as a last result. Myectomy (the surgical procedure) has benefited at least 85% of the patients. It involves the removal of some eyelid nerves and muscles.

Neurological procedures have also proven to be effective. They relieve the artery pressure on the nerves of the face.

How to Make Your Boobs Firmer

There are a variety of reasons such as pregnancy, rapid weight loss and aging that can lead to sagging or drooping of the breasts. Sagging and drooping breasts can make you self aware of your appearance and you may choose not to wear certain dresses. However, some therapies and exercises can be done to firm and lift your sagging breasts. Though you may not be able to reverse your age, still, you will see and feel a noticeable change in the appearance of your breasts.

How to Make Your Boobs Firmer

1. Breast Massage

Massaging your breasts is an excellent technique to firm, hydrate and soften your breasts.

Firm the breast skin
To make the skin of breasts firm, make an infusion of 30 g rosemary, 30 g wild thyme and 30 g thyme. Cool the mixture or lotion to room temperature, filter it and apply it to your breasts. Leave it on your breasts for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with cold water.

Hydrate and soften breasts
As already stated massaging your breasts keeps them hydrated and soft. You should always massage from the outside towards the inside, and go around the nipple. You can use argan oil, avocado oil or jojoba oil to massage your breasts. You can either use them individually or mix them in equal parts. Avocado oil is rich in vitamins and regenerates and protects the sensitive skin of the breasts. Argan oil is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and PP and antioxidants which prevent aging of skin. Jojoba oil provides deep nourishment and hydration to restructure the skin of the breasts.

2. Breast-firming Exercises

With your hands placed under your shoulders, lie on the floor on your stomach. Hold your feet at the width of your shoulders, tuck your toes under such that your balance is on the balls of your feet. Your abdominals should remain contracted so as to make your back parallel to the floor. Your head and neck should lie at the level of your spine. Inhale while you lower your chest. Exhale while returning back to the starting position. If you do not have enough strength to perform a plank push-up, do pushups from your knees.

Chest press

Lie flat on the ground, bench or a balance ball on your back. With palms facing forwards, hold a dumbbell in both your hands. Hold your elbows out to the sides keeping them parallel to your shoulders and bend at an angle of 90 degrees. Exhale while stretching your arms towards the ceiling. You should take care to keep the weights separated and to not squeeze your chest at the top of the movement. Inhale and move back to the starting position.

Chest fly

Hold a dumbbell in both your hands and lie down on your back. Take care to keep your arms straight and in level to your shoulders. With palms facing each other, lift both the hands and bring them together above your chest.

Standing press

Stand in front of a wall, at a distance of one foot. Put your hands on the wall at the height of your shoulders about two feet apart. Your fingers should point upwards and your feet should be placed one meter apart. Simultaneously bend your elbows at 90 degrees and lift your heels while keeping the core area of the body rigid.

Resistance bands


By exercising with a resistance band, you can add variation to your chest exercises. Wrap the resistance band into something stable just behind you and hold one handle in each hand. With your elbows bent and palms facing downwards, take your arms to your side. Bring your arms back in front of you while squeezing your chest.

You can check out the following video of chest workout which helps to tone and firm your boobs:

Do these chest firming exercises three times in a week and take care to keep a difference of 48-72 hours between two sessions. Perform 1-3 sets comprising of 8-16 repetitions for each exercise. When you are able to do 3 sets of 12 repetitions of any particular exercise, then instead of increasing the repetitions, increase the resistance. The weight of the dumbbell should be increased for chest fly and chest presses, whereas for pushups you can put a bench to elevate your feet.

3. Hydrotherapy

You can use hydrotherapy to tone your breasts. Whenever you are taking a shower, first rinse your breasts with warm water for a duration of 30 seconds. Then rinse them with the coldest water you can tolerate for a duration of 10 seconds. Alternate rinsing between warm and cold water for a couple of minutes. Always finish your treatment with the application of cold water. Hydrotherapy helps in increasing the blood circulation, thereby stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Both of these substances are responsible for making your breasts firmer and perkier.

Vagin..Mucus Discharge

Vaginal discharge has a function of removing dead cells and along with dead cells, bacteria, if any, is also removed. This is an important function of the vaginal discharge. A clean discharge is hardly noticed but if the discharge is smelly, differently colored, or is of different consistency, and vagina has itching and burning sensation, then there is cause for worry. What causes abnormal vaginal discharge?

Normal Vaginal Mucus Discharge

Normal vaginal discharge: Normal vaginal discharge appears as clear white, or cloudy white which may turn yellowish when dry. White flakes may also be sometimes present in the vaginal discharge. Emotional stress, use of medicines, and pregnancy related causes can change the appearance of discharge. Sexual stimulation, birth control pills, and changes in menstrual cycle can also cause change in vaginal discharge.

Effects of the menstrual cycle: The ph value (an indicator of acidity or alkalinity) of the discharge also may also vary during the menstrual cycle of a lady. The pH value is least acidic around the menstrual cycle and it is at this time, the infections are common since bacteria and virus can survive easily in this atmosphere. A woman may notice increased discharge during mid cycle with clear discharge and increased wetness.

Abnormal Vaginal Mucus Discharge

Signs of abnormal vaginal mucus discharge

Your discharge bloody when you are not having your periods.
The discharge has changed color from its normal
The vaginal discharge has clumps
There is noticeable smell from the discharge
There is a noticeable change in color of discharge. The yellow/green, gray/ white discharge, vaginal discharge with fishy odor, or accompanied by itching, burning sensation while urinating, are signs of abnormal vaginal discharge or infection.
Causes of abnormal vaginal mucus discharge

The common causes of the abnormal vagina discharge are the infection of vagina with bacteria or virus, tearing away of the lining, sexually transmitted diseases, extra discharge during pregnancy, shedding of lining after pregnancy. There are a number of causes and in each case the doctor will be able to know causative reasons and offer treatment.

Types of discharge
Causative conditions and treatment options
White or watery vaginal discharge with severe itchiness
The most common cause of watery or white discharge is fungal infection causing itchiness and soreness around vagina. The discharge is accompanied by yeasty smell. The smell is not very strong. The condition is called thrush. It is NOT a sexually transmitted disease.
The disease is easily treatable with OTC drugs from the pharmacist. Fungal infection medicines for local application are the best ones for these.
Grey or white fishy-smelling discharge
This condition is called bacterial vaginosis. It is caused by bacterial infection of vagina. The external indication is fishy smell and discharge immediately intercourse. The bacterial imbalance is usually the cause for this. There is no itching sensation.
The treating doctor may prescribe antibiotic and you will be treated quickly and easily. This is NOT a sexually transmitted disease. Even a visit to a GP will be enough.
Yellow Green or frothy discharge
It is a mild form of infection of vagina with bacteria and possible causes include yeast infection or infection with single cell parasite. The infection is transmitted sexually. The infection with single cells is called Trichomoniasis. Pain during sex is another indication of Trichomoniasis.
The treatment is through oral medicine. It cannot be cures by local application of medicine. Medicines like tinidazole or metronidazole taken in tablet form. Treating doctor may insist on treating your sex partners at the same time. Ensure that this is done. All sexual activities and contacts are to be stopped until the disease is cured.
Discharge with pain or bleeding
Pain while urinating, pain in the pelvic region, bleeding after sex, bleeding between periods, is indications of Gonorrhoea or Chlamydia. Both are caused by sexually transmitted infections. With Ghonorrhea, the discharge may turn green but the pain and/or bleeding may be the cause first noticed before the green discharge.
This is a serious condition and untreated Gonorrhoea or Chlamydia may spread inside your body and might cause more pain through inflammatory infection of the womb. overies or fallopian tubes. It is necessary that you see a GP or a sex specialist immediately
Discharge with blisters around the genitals
This is a serious case and perhaps an indication of genital herpes. The vagina and the portion around it get red blisters and sores also appear at the same time.
Instead of going to a GP the better way is to go to a genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic who can start you on an antiviral tablets. The tablet may stop viral infection from increasing, but will not completely go away quickly and the treatment might be long as the symptoms will return if not treated properly.
The additional causes for the discharge may be:

Steroid use. Steroid use has many bad side effects and cannot be controlled. Even long use of antibiotic and use of birth control pills may be the cause.
Cervical cancer may also the cause of such abnormal discharge.
Bubbly baths, scented soaps, lotions of various types, or douches can also cause change in the vaginal discharge.
Pelvic infection after surgery in the pelvic region.
Thinning of vaginal walls during menopause.
Remedies for abnormal vaginal mucus discharge

The remedies for changes in vaginal discharge are mostly preventive. A clean sex habit, clean and healthy living will reduce the incidences of infection.

Wear cotton undergarments only.
Maintain cleanliness in the vaginal region by mild soap and warm water.
Do not use the scented soaps and douches excessively. Avoid bubble baths if possible
Develop a habit of using the toilet tissues from front to back. This will ensure that the bacteria do not infect vaginal region.
Avoid tight clothing. This might cause excessive rubbing in the genital area.

W. Normal Estrogen Levels

Estrogen has far-reaching effects on a variety of vital functions in the woman's body. Estrogen drives the developmental process and reproductive abilities of all women and has a profound impact on mood.

Estrogen levels fluctuate widely based on the age and current phase of the menstrual cycle. That being said, it is difficult to state exactly what level is normal. Pregnancy and menopause also influence estrogen and other hormone levels. For these reasons, a "normal" level can range from 50 to 400 pg/ml (picograms/milliliter).

You can take simple remedies to increase or decrease your estrogen level if you suffer abnormal estrogen levels.

Normal Estrogen Levels

Estrogen is a potent hormone and produced in the ovaries in females. A smaller amount is present in males as well.

1. Normal estrogen levels

The range of normal varies widely depending on a person's age. For those between 20-29, the average is 149 pg/ml and will increase to 210 pg/ml for females 30-39. The level falls back to 152 pg/ml for women over 40 who are not yet in menopause. These levels are generalizations as the exact level varies on a daily basis and is closely tied to the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

2. Low estrogen levels

Severe deficiency of estrogen can result in levels as low as 10-20 pg/ml and produce a variety of symptoms including fatigue, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and memory impairment. Some women will experience irritability, mood swings and feel drained and exhausted. Estrogen deficiency can result from eating disorders such as anorexia, menopause, surgical removal of the ovaries and congenital conditions. Turner syndrome and congenital adrenal hyperplasia are two such congenital disorders that result in profound hormonal abnormalities as well as unique physical characteristics.

3. High estrogen levels

Excess estrogen levels are typically noted when estrogen is in excess of 200 pg/ml. Causes include obesity, exogenous intake (medications), stress, cardiovascular disease and lifestyle. Excessive alcohol intake also influences estrogen levels. Common symptoms include mood swings, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Excess estrogen exposure is clearly linked to an increase in breast and uterine cancer.

How to Increase Estrogen Levels

If symptoms of estrogen deficiency are suspected, a visit to your doctor can confirm this by a simple blood test. After that, lifestyle and dietary modifications are an important first step to correcting an estrogen deficiency.

1. Lifestyle changes

This should be the first step in any plan to improve the quality of your life and health.

Quit smoking. Tobacco smoke inhibits the production of estrogen and those that do so will have abnormal estrogen levels circulating in the blood stream.
Exercise. Exercise is important for overall health, but also improves the level of estrogen. By maintaining a healthy body weight, the estrogen levels can remain within a more healthy range.
2. Herbal remedies

Herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of health issues. Some herbs are known to be phytoestrogenic and can act as substitutes for estrogen in the body. Herbs known to possess this property include: black cohosh, sage, licorice, Dong Quai and oregano. Soy also contains substances known as phytoestrogens and can stimulate or act like estrogen in the body.

3. Dietary changes

Dietary changes can stimulate the production of estrogen in the woman's body.

Fruits. Try eating dates, cherries, apples, plums, papaya and pomegranate.
Vegetables. Besides their potent antioxidant properties, vegetables can help regulate and increase hormone production. Choose a variety of options including: carrots, celery, eggplant, beans and lentils, peas, potatoes, tomatoes and yams.
Grains. Brown grains are the best and options such as barley, brown rice, oats and wheat are all suitable for improving the diet.
Seeds. Flax, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds contain beneficial omega oils and also help improve estrogen levels.
4. Surgery

This is generally reserved for severe cases of hormonal imbalance. A through search may discover a tumor and require removal. The end result is usually life-long estrogen supplementation and is not without risks.

How to Decrease Estrogen Levels

1. Avoid alcohol

The liver is responsible for metabolizing estrogen and excess intake of alcohol will impair this process. The result is an accumulation of excess estrogen in the body. The maximum recommended number of alcoholic drinks for women is one drink per day. Higher intake is also linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

2. Have more organic foods

Many pesticides and chemicals act like estrogen in the body and are readily absorbed. The best option is to choose organic food whenever possible. Cutting back on meat consumption can also help as many commercially raised animals are fed supplements containing a variety of chemicals, antibiotics and hormones.

3. Have fiber-rich foods

Estrogen is bound to bile salts produced by the liver. This bound form is then excreted in the stool and proper estrogen levels are maintained. Eating a high fiber diet stimulates the elimination of bile acids and hence estrogen as well. Regularly consume high fiber vegetables and grains to diminish the effects of excess estrogen.

4. Limit dairy products

Dairy milk accounts for up to 80% of dietary estrogen consumption. Milk is collected during pregnancy and the hormone levels are at their peak concentrations resulting in more collected in the milk. Choose non-dairy milk such as rice or almond milk. The taste is generally good and other health benefits are noted as well over dairy milk.

5. Exercise

Moderate to intense exercise has been shown to cut down excess estrogen by 7%. The calorie consumption and fat loss also contribute to an improved body habitus and further contribute to reducing the effects of excess estrogen.

Womens Period Symptoms!

The menstrual cycle is punctuated by monthly bleeding culminating in the uterine lining being shed through the vagina. Period symptoms can range from mild to severe. Having a basic knowledge about what occurs during a period can help you deal with a multitude of unpleasant symptoms.

Common Period Symptoms

The period is a woman's monthly bleeding cycle and is the body's way of shedding the uterine lining if pregnancy doesn't occur. Normal menstruation occurs monthly and lasts on average 3-7 days. Unpleasant symptoms generally accompany the vaginal bleeding associated with a menstrual period. The following list explains common symptoms.

Abdominal Cramps. Lower abdominal cramps are common and can be intense. The uterus is a large muscular organ and the process of shedding the uterine lining can result in dull pain or more sharp, intense and cramping pain. Some women are debilitated during the menses due to the severity of symptoms.
Breast Tenderness. The hormonal fluctuations result in breast swelling and tenderness. The breast tissue is highly sensitive to hormone levels and soreness is not uncommon.
Mood Swings. As the hormone levels surge prior to the period, many women experience mood changes including irritability, anxiety, anger and even crying episodes.
Acne. Teens and young women are prone to acne breakouts due to the rise and fall of hormones during the menstrual cycle.
Pain. A variety of pain syndromes are related to the menstrual cycle. Muscle pain and backaches are common. Some experience more frequent migraine headaches during their period.
Food Cravings. Craving to a variety of foods can occur during the premenstrual and menstrual phase. Some crave sweets and high calorie foods, while others crave salty foods and snacks.
Other Period Symptoms include excessive fatigue and lack of drive to accomplish even normal daily tasks. Some women with underlying psychiatric disorders experience an increase in symptoms during their menses.
Pelvic Pressure. This occurs due to the fullness of the uterus and also engorgement of the pelvic veins is believed to contribute to this sensation.
Water Retention. Hormonal shifts results in bloating and water retention. It is common to note swelling of the fingers and ankles.
Backache. The low back can feel achy and tired during menses. Muscle aches in general are also reported.
Headache and Fatigue. Migraines and other headache types frequently flare during migraines. Fatigue and malaise accompany premenstrual and menstrual periods.
Difficulty Concentrating. Cognitive disruption is common. Mood swings and difficulty focusing on tasks is part of the symptom complex associate with the menstrual cycle.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

PMS is a constellation of unpleasant symptoms and can vary in severity from person to person.


Hormonal fluctuations are the main force in causing PMS symptoms. Diet and lifestyle also play a role. Obese women may be prone to more hormonal issues than younger healthy counterparts.


Physical symptoms. The physical symptoms that occur in the premenstrual time just before the onset of the menses can be very similar to those that occur during actual menstruation. It is reported that 75% of women experience physical symptoms such as breast tenderness, fatigue, abdominal and pelvic cramping, back pain and muscle aches. These symptoms tend to reach their peak during the 20-30's and then taper off with age. The physical symptoms tend to be predicable from month-to-month.
Emotional and Behavioral Symptoms. Depression, irritability, fatigue and poor concentration are common symptoms. A more severe form called premenstrual dysphoric disorder causes debilitation symptoms every month. Anger, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness are notable with this disorder. Some women will have a coexisting psychiatric disorder and seeking professional help is warranted.

A variety of options exist to treat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. A combined approach of seeking medical advice, diet and lifestyle modifications can help manage symptoms effectively.

Medical Treatments

Medical treatments focus on addressing both physical and psychologic symptoms. Success varies from person to person and adjustment or trying a different class of medication can be beneficial.

Antidepressants are effective in improving mood, reducing fatigue and food cravings and restoring normal sleep. Medications such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil) are first line choices for treating premenstrual syndrome.

Oral contraceptives work by stopping ovulation and influencing hormone levels. This may help stabilize hormonal fluctuations and provide symptom relief. Depo-Provera is an injectable form of birth control and stops ovulation. Non-steroidal medications such as ibuprofen, Aleve and naproxen can provide effective pain relief. Most experts recommend starting NSAID therapy at the start of the period to ease cramping, back pain and breast pain.

Home Remedies

Lifestyle modifications are a beneficial component of management of PMS symptoms. Changing diet, sleep and exercise patterns can have a positive impact.

Try eating smaller more frequent meals to avoid bloating and don't overeat. High salt foods contribute to swelling and should be avoided. Add a daily multivitamin and eat a diet high in natural foods such as fruits and vegetables. Excessive caffeine and alcohol can also worsen premenstrual symptoms. Exercise is important for overall health and longevity, but also provides relief of stress. Aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 5 days a week. Exercise releases natural endorphins and elevates your mood. Ensure proper sleep and take time to relax during the day. Yoga, massage and stretching exercises are beneficial for stress relief.

Supplements such as calcium, magnesium and vitamins B6 and E may ease PMS symptoms. Obtaining vitamins and minerals from natural foods are the best source, but consider adding supplements as an adjunct to ease PMS symptoms.

When to See a Doctor

Menstruation can start as early as 10 or 11 years of age. If menses start before that or have not occurred by age 16, a medical evaluation by a physician is required. Heavy and prolonged bleeding, severe pain, fever or bleeding between periods should prompt a medical evaluation. Tampons and feminine products can be associated with bacterial infections and if feeling sick after using these products, seek medical care immediately. Periods normally resume around 6 weeks after delivering a baby. If you have not had a period yet, seek evaluation. If no period for more than one month, seek evaluation from your doctor to assess if pregnant or experiencing other hormonal abnormality.

When is a Woman Most Fertile?

Normally, a woman is most fertile at or around her ovulation period that corresponds to Day 14 of a normal 28 days ovarian cycle. It is very important to know your fertile period for a number of reasons. First of all, if you are looking to get pregnant, here is your chance to conceive by frequent intercourse just before or soon after ovulation. On the other hand if you want to prevent pregnancy, avoiding physical intercourse for 5 days before and 3 days after ovulation is sufficient, without needing any other mode of contraception. This article will provide a more detailed discussion about when a woman is most fertile.

What factors are most important for fertility? Following factors determine the fertility in females that may help in accomplishing targeted goals.

1. Age and Fertility

Fertility decreases as a woman age. Previously it was believed that the female fertility decreases significantly after 35 years of age; however, latest research suggest that women are most fertile when they are between 19 to 26-year-old, after which fertility decreases significantly with each passing year. The statistical data indicated that by the time women reach 27 to 34, her chances of getting pregnant are 40% less than those who are under 26.

Consequently, a woman has only 30% chance of getting pregnant after 35 in any given cycle with even lesser chance if the male partner is 5 years or older (due to defects in the quality and quantity of sperms).

The following chart shows the chances of getting pregnant depending on the age. It's important to know that the chart serves only as a guide, which shows the average pregnancy rate for women in their best health condition.


2. Ovulation and Fertility

Besides age, a woman is only fertile when she is ovulating. To learn more about your ovulation period, it is important to learn Fertility awareness - a concept that is helpful in planning your pregnancy naturally. Generally a woman is fertile for only 5 days during an entire 28 day ovarian cycle that corresponds to:

10th day of a 24- day ovarian cycle
14th day of a 28- day ovarian cycle
21st day of a 35- day ovarian cycle
The normal length of an ovarian cycle is anywhere between 24 to 35 days and generally ovulation precede menstrual cycle from 12 to 16 days. Planning your pregnancy demands a little knowledge about your ovarian cycle, since length of cycle vary among different women and even in the same women at different points of life.

The following methods are generally helpful in knowing more about your cycle and fertility period:

1. Calendar (Rhythm) method

Calendar method is simple and most practical in women who have regular menstrual cycles. You can track your cycle length on a calendar and calculate your estimated time of ovulation in order to determine most fertile period. Make sure to measure a few cycles to ascertain with precision. Your most fertile period is anywhere between 4-5 days before ovulation.

Although fairly helpful, this method is not very accurate due to variability of menstrual cycle length in women due to hormonal, dietary and lifestyle habits.

2. Standard days method (SDM)

This is one of the helpful natural methods for women who have regular cycles between 26 and 32 days. These women can use CycleBeads to keep the track of their cycles. For example, the cycle starts with red bead that denotes Day 1 of the cycle and if you continue counting each bead as one day, you will get to brown bead (that corresponds to Day 26) before the last bead (that denotes the last day of the cycle or Day 32). Once again, if your cycle length is variable, it is better to choose other methods for the estimation of fertile period.

3. Basal body temperature (BBT) method

Basal body temperature is another popular method that is used by a lot of women to ascertain their ovulation, marked by a rise of 1- 2 degrees due to luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. This method requires you to maintain a basal body temperature chart by taking the lowest temperature of the day. Just before ovulation, most women observe a slight drop in the body temperature due to hormonal influence that is followed by a rise of 1- 2 degrees a couple of days after ovulation. Increasing the frequency of intercourse during this period increases your chances of getting pregnant significantly.

4. Cervical mucus method (Billings method)

Monitoring of cervical mucus also helps in knowing about your ovulation. Most women can feel noticeable thinning of mucus that is stringy and clear. When ovulation time is not near, cervical mucus is generally thick and cloudy with very little amount of discharge.

5. Hormone monitoring

Ovulation predictor kits are commercially available that detect changes in the concentration of hormonal breakdown products secreted in urine. You can dip a test strip in your urine and then read the level. More specialized dip sticks give actual amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH) that is being produced by your body. By far, this is the most reliable and hassle free methods available today.

6. Combined (symptothermal) method

Since all above listed methods give a presumptive idea about the fertile period, researchers suggest that it is far more helpful if you combine three or more tests to increase the credibility and accuracy of findings. This method combines cervical mucus discharge changes, basal body temperature rise, estimation of hormone breakdown products in your blood and lastly physical changes that follow ovulation like weight gain, tenderness in breast, bloating and alteration in normal mood and behavior.

How to Improve Fertility

Some helpful tips that can improve your chances of getting pregnant are:

1. Fertility Massage

Massaging helps in improving blood supply to the uterine cavity and other parts of female reproductive system that helps in elimination of toxins and chemicals.

2. Yoga

Yoga and exercises promote natural health and well-being. Physical activity is needed by all the individuals to maintain optimal health and normal metabolism. Yoga and meditation are long known to promote fertility in females by adjusting hormonal secretion and release and also by increasing the blood flow to ovaries and all other parts of the reproductive system.

3. Foods and Herbs

Certain foods and herbs are helpful in improving female fertility by supplying essential nutrients for growth and development of egg. Foods rich in anti-oxidants promote fertility by decreasing age related wear and tea. Foods that can help improve fertility include: high fiber foods, whole grains, grass-fed meat, cold water fish and organic fruits& vegetables.

Moreover herbs like alfalfa, gingko biloba, Dong Quai, ginseng, primrose oil and saw palmetto are also helpful in stabilizing the hormonal production and release to maintain the integrity of female reproductive cycles. Make sure to take daily multi-vitamins but it is also suggested to consult a healthcare provider to avoid any drug reaction or toxicities of herbs.

Calories in a Grapefruit

Grape fruit is classified as a citrus fruit, and it is also related to the orange. Grapefruits have relatively low calories content. Typically eaten fresh and juiced or raw, grapefruits are known for their health benefits and nutritional value. Although grape fruits do not have a specific availability season (they are available throughout the year). The best time to get grape fruits is during growing seasons, which are winter to early spring.

How Many Calories in a Grapefruit

Grape fruits come in different sizes that range from four to six inches round. Some grape fruits are seedless while others have seeds. Grapefruits are also available in a variety of colors such as red, pink and white; the color name of the grape fruit describes the fruit’s flesh color.

The red and pink grape fruits are said to have higher calorie amounts than the white grapefruit. Naturally, larger fruits have more calories than the smaller ones. A cup of juice made from grapefruits will contain about 96 calories.

Health Benefits of Grapefruits

1. Boost immunity and fight inflammation

Since grapefruits are rich in Vitamin C, they support your immune system by reducing the cold symptoms or their severity. It also prevents damage by free radicals and also minimizes severity of inflammatory conditions such as stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, heart attack, asthma and osteoarthritis.

2. Fight tumors

Pink or red colored grapefruits have the carotenoid phytonutrient called lycopene, which contains anti-tumor properties that help fight oxygen free radicals. Such radicals are known to damage body cells.

3. Fight cancers

Grapefruit pulp contains glucarates which are compounds that help in fighting various cancers like lung, mouth, skin, colon, stomach and breast cancer. Grapefruits also contain limonoid, which are also phytonutrients that inhibit the formation of tumors by elevating glutathione S-transferase (detoxifying enzyme) formation. This enzyme triggers a reaction in your liver making the toxic compounds soluble in water for excretion.

4. Balance cholesterol

Grapefruits also help in the balancing of cholesterol in your body. They contain the soluble fiber known as pectin that is responsible for the reduction of triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol (LDL) without affecting any “good” cholesterol (HDL).

5. Reduce risk of kidneys stones

Reduce your risk of getting kidney stones by eating grapefruits. Taking about a half or a liter of juice made from grapefruits will increase the citric acid excretion and pH value of your urine that in turn reduces risk of getting calcium oxalate kidney stones.

6. Remove toxins

Eating grapefruits increases the activity and production of enzymes used for liver detoxification. These enzymes are responsible for the removal of toxins that cause cancer and toxic compounds from your body.

7. Repair damaged cells

Grapefruits also contain the flavonoid Naringenin that helps repair all damaged cells in the prostate cancer cells. It also eradicates all cell mutations that are potentially cancerous.

They are known to be rich in minerals and vitamins, and as time goes by, researchers discover more of its health benefits. What’s more, grapefruits are great for weight loss. They are used in weight loss diets globally, and research has shown that they are very effective in helping people dealing with weight issues to lose some of the extra weight.

Here is what to do with the grapefruit peels

Lastly, once you are through eating your grape fruits, do not be so quick to do away with the peels. Did you know that you can actually make extracts as well as essential oils using grapefruit peels? It has aromatherapy benefits, which are known to have calming effects for both children and adults. You can grate the peels then use them on salads and other foods as flavor.

Ginger Tea Benefits!!

Ginger is a light brown root with a distinctive taste and qualities that make it a much-coveted herb due to high levels of Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals. Once made into tea, you can add peppermint, honey or lemon to mask the taste of the ginger. The benefits of ginger tea are well documented and include treatment and cures for some common conditions, but there are also some precautions to take.

Ginger Tea Benefits

1. Relieve nausea

One of the best-known benefits of ginger tea is its ability to combat nausea. Drinking a cup of ginger tea before traveling can help prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness. If you did not drink ginger tea before you became nauseous, drink a cup of ginger tea at the first sign of nausea to relieve the symptom.

2. Improve stomach performance

Ginger tea is very useful in improving digestion and increasing absorption of food. This benefit can also prevent belching and bloating after eating too much. In some people, ginger tea seems to have a positive impact on appetite.

3. Reduce inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger tea are well known and make it an ideal home remedy for muscle and joint problems. In addition to drinking ginger tea, it may also be useful to use as a topical soak on inflamed joints and other body parts.

4. Fight respiratory problems

Ginger tea can help relieve congestion associated with the common cold. Try a cup of ginger tea for the respiratory symptoms associated with environmental allergies.

5. Improve blood circulation

The vitamins, minerals and amino acids in ginger tea can help restore and improve blood circulation that may help decrease the chance of cardiovascular problems. Ginger may prevent fat from depositing in the arteries helping to prevent heart attacks and stroke.

6. Relieve menstrual discomfort

Drinking ginger tea is not the only way you can benefit from this mixture. If you have cramping during your menstrual cycle, try soaking a towel in warm ginger tea and apply the towel to your lower abdomen. The effects of the ginger may help relieve the pain and relax the muscles. At the same time, drink a cup of ginger tea with honey.

7. Strengthen immunity

Ginger tea may help strengthen your immunity due to the high levels of antioxidants in ginger. Many people drink ginger tea to help prevent cancer.

8. Relieve stress

Ginger tea has calming properties that may help lower your stress and tension. This is thought to be due to a combination of the strong aroma and healing properties.

9. Increases fertility

Some people believe that ginger tea is an aphrodisiac that works to boost a man's fertility. Some studies show that regular intake of ginger may increase a man's sperm count and help with erectile dysfunction.

10. Other benefits

Several other potential benefits of ginger tea include:

Fights infection and bad breath
May slow down the growth of cancer cells
May help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol
Helps to detoxify the liver
Contains powerful antioxidants that may reduce free radicals in the body
How to make ginger tea:

Ginger Tea Side Effects and Precautions

Although the positive benefits of ginger are well-documented, there are also some side effects and precautions that you should know about.

1. Side effects

Because of the known side effects of using ginger, it is always a good idea to consult a nutritionist who will look at your diet, life style and medications before recommending a healthy amount of ginger to take each day. Some of the side effects that can happen include:

Digestive problems. While drinking ginger tea can aid digestion, too much of the tea can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Too much ginger can lead to acidity and low blood sugar, so ginger tea should probably be avoided by diabetics.
Interaction with anesthesia. Some anesthetic agents used in surgery can react adversely with ginger resulting in bleeding and slowed healing. Most surgeons and anesthesiologists recommend deleting ginger from your diet for a week before any surgery.
Killing sleep. Ginger tea may prevent a good night's sleep. It is recommended that you drink ginger tea early in the day to avoid loss of sleep at night.

2. Precautions

There are several groups of people who should be aware of specific precautions when using ginger tea. These include:

Those with blood disorders. Ginger tea may inhibit blood coagulation. If you have hemophilia or if you are taking blood thinners, be sure to consult your healthcare provider BEFORE drinking ginger tea.
Those with hypertension. If you have hypertension and are taking medications for that disorder, consult your physician before using ginger since it can lower blood pressure to unsafe levels.
Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. The use of ginger tea in pregnant or lactating women is controversial. Some physicians recommend ginger tea for morning sickness but others are concerned about possible toxicity to unborn and children being breast-fed.
Those who have gallstones. Ginger tea tends to increase the production of bile in the body. Since bile can cause increased pain in someone suffering from gallstones, avoid using ginger if you know you have gallbladder disease.
3. Recommended daily intake

First, be aware that you CAN get too much of a good thing! The Food and Drug Administration recommends no more than 2 grams of ginger for every kilogram of body weight each day. For a 155-pound (70 kg) person, this would amount to a limit of 140 grams of ginger each day. This is almost 1/3 pound of ginger-an unlikely amount to use every day. However, even at lesser amounts side effects may show up.

Eating Lemon Peel!!

Lemon not only tastes delicious but it can also help stimulate good health. When applied topically, it can also do wonders for our skin and hair. Most of the time when focusing on the benefits of lemons, people tend to think of lemon juice, but lemon peel can be just as effective as it has some enzymes that help us live a healthier life.

The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard References states that:

Every 100 grams of lemon peel has 134 milligrams of calcium.
The same amount has 160 milligrams of potassium.
The same amount contains 129 milligrams of vitamin C.
The same amount contains 10.6 grams of fiber.
Benefits of Eating Lemon Peel

The scientific name of the lemon peel is citrus limonum whether it is fresh or dried and this part of the lemon can be used for many medical, cooking and cosmetic purposes. Both consuming it and using it topically has helped those who suffer from scurvy, cholesterol, acne, heart issues and others. That is because it contains many essential vitamins, minerals and enzyme.

1. Decrease Cholesterol Level

Eating lemon peel can help decrease the body’s cholesterol level which in turn can promote better heart health. In addition, the potassium found in the peel can help maintain blood pressure levels. The peels are able to lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) because of the polyphenol flavonoids. In addition, the vitamins C and P help clear the blood vessels and by doing so reduce the risk of developing certain conditions such as diabetic heart disease, heart disease and high blood pressure.

2. Fight Cancer

We already mentioned that two of the nutrients in lemon peel are limonene and salvestrol Q40 and these two components both fight cancerous cells. In addition, the flavonoids that can be found in the peel can help counter cancerous cell division. Because of that, eating lemon peel is considered a preventive action against several types of cancers such as skin, colon and breast.

3. Improve Bone Health

In order to develop strong, healthy bones, we need to ingest a good quantity of calcium and lemon peel contains this in addition to vitamin C. because of this, eating lemon peel has shown to help prevent osteoarthritis, inflammatory polyarthritis, bone fractures, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

4. Boost Immunity and Digestion

Lemon peel contains essential nutrients including vitamin C which allow the body to resist infections as well as the subsequent ailments. Because of this, eating lemon peel is considered a good method for treating sore throat, flu, cold and similar infections. It can also help boost healthy digestion due to its dietary fiber that encourages healthy bowel movements.

5. Improve Oral Health

A deficiency in vitamin C can lead to several gum and dental problems such as gingivitis, bleeding gums and scurvy. Because lemon peel is rich in citric acid and vitamin C, it is able to prevent these and other related gum and dental problems.

6. Neutralize Free Radicals

Free radicals are unpaired electrons that occur in our body’s cells and they are responsible for certain health problems including autoimmune diseases, swelling, aging, heart issues and some types of cancer. Lemon peels contains vitamin C which can help neutralize these free radicals and therefore prevent those health concerns. Free radicals are also associated with blood vessel damage so vitamin C is also able to help maintain healthy blood circulation.

7. Improve Skin Condition

Free radicals play an important role in signs of aging and skin problems such as dark spots, acne, pigmentation and wrinkles. The citric acid and vitamin C in lemon peel help purify blood vessels as well as remove the impurities found in skin cells which in turn promotes healthy skin. In addition, the antioxidants in lemon peel detoxify the skin, making it great for pimples and acne. While there are topical options, consuming the peel is ideal.

One option for topical application is the following: cut the lemon into two to four pieces, squeezing the juices into a bowl. Cut up the lemon peel and mix it into the juice, storing the mixture somewhere cool and dry. Add an optional teaspoon of honey and apply it to your face. Leave it on for around 5 minutes before rinsing.

8. Boost Metabolism and Reduce Weight

One of the elements in lemon peel is pectin which has been shown to help in weight loss. This substance has some properties that will convert it into a jelly which prevents your body from absorbing excessive quantities of sugar, helping maintain your weight.

Cautions and Tips for Eating Lemon Peel

1. Wash Properly and Go Organic

You must wash lemon peel before eating it as pesticides or insecticides may have been used during the growing process. Lemons that have been shipped great distances may contain a wax coating that prevents damage but it can be made using animal, plant or insect based products. Therefore, it is best to opt for organically grown peels.

2. Be Aware Of Crystallization

Lemon peels contain a high amount of oxalates which are found in humans. When we have high concentrations of oxalates it can lead to problems which are associated with crystallization such as kidney or gallbladder stones. Therefore if you already suffer from these problems, avoid eating lemon peel.